The free Voxelstein 3D project answers the question of what would have happened if the creators of the cult Wolfenstein 3D had waited some time with the release of the game and released it on the basis of a pixeled, but fully three-dimensional engine. This production, although seemingly archaic in terms of graphics, offers a phenomenal opportunity to destroy practically everything you want here. The player learns about it in the first minute.
The imprisoned hero, modelled on the unforgettable William Blazkowicz, must free himself from the cell. With the help of a knife he cuts off the rod and this is just the beginning of a great fun. The whole environment, including enemies, consists of voxels, i.e.
3D pixels. They give the binding a specially aged style, and at the same time they give the option of destroying objects point by point. In the game you can simply dig a hole in the wall.
The very purpose of playing, i.e. escaping to the forest, is quickly forgotten. The player focuses on finding further deadly weapons, hidden objects and above all explosives.
They will save him a lot of chisels. We are unlikely to get rid of all of the more than 37 million voxelas that make up the rooms we visit, but after escaping, the game counts the destroyed ones.